God’s Instruction

God has this way of getting his word directly to you when you least expect it. I was in Carmel with my husband celebrating my birthday, when I received a phone call. A dear friend of mine had called, but I did not pick up because I was at the counter of a coffee shop ordering a tea. When I got an opportunity to look at my phone I saw her missed call and that she had left me a voicemail message.

When I listened to the message, she said that God told her to give me a one minute sermon. It was literally one minute and 52 seconds. That message could have been preached for a year and I still would not have unpacked all that God had said in it!

I had been pondering some of the things God told me to do in his message through my friend. I thought about what the consequences would be if I did not do what he had instructed. I learned that when I am not obedient to God, I give Satan room to build an empire against me. I lose protection while I am pondering whether or not I’m moving with God. Satan is strategically planning his next move. He is counting on me not moving as God instructed so that he can build his empire against me and all those I love.

When Jesus was sitting with his disciples at the last supper, he told Peter that he would deny him three times before the cock crowed that night. Jesus told Peter that Satan had asked to sift him like wheat. Jesus knew Satan’s request, but Peter had no idea. Jesus told Peter that he had prayed for him and told Peter to pray that he did not come into temptation. But Peter fell asleep while he was supposed to be praying. We have no idea what Satan is up to, but we can bet money it is not good! When God gives us instructions, no matter how hard it seems, we must follow and do it immediately!

This reminds me of Abraham. When God told him to go and sacrifice his son Isaac, he immediately left the following morning to do it. Although his son was spared, this was a test of Abraham’s obedience to God. He made haste in obeying God and so should we!

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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Never Down


He does What He Says