God’s Business

Give us this day our daily bread… Matthew 6:11, ESV


Every morning I seek God for His daily instructions and revelations. I believe that in requesting our day and our daily bread I am seeking after more than physical food - I am asking for His spiritual food to carry me throughout the day. I love that when we ask, God always answers, even if it may not be in the way we expect. If we pay close attention, we can always hear Him guiding us.


My husband and I took a trip to Carmel for our wedding anniversary to get away for a few days, just to spend some time together. The hotel we stayed in was close to the ocean and the rooms had amazing views. The hotel had a roof top restaurant bar that was covered, but guests could see the ocean from the restaurant. One evening we decided to go sit by the fireplace, have a few snacks, and enjoy the view of the ocean as the sun went down.


When we arrived, there were quite a few other guests who had the same idea. We grabbed some seats by the fireplace and began to chat with those around us. We met some lovely families and had great conversations but when God was ready for His work to be done, the conversation changed to being centered on Him. I have no idea how it happened. Before we knew it, God was the subject, and he was speaking to the hearts of those around us. God was using us to minister His word and uplift hearts, reminding us all that He never leaves us nor forsakes us.


We all came to that hotel for our own purpose, but God had other plans and it was about His business. I love how God keeps our secrets, knows exactly what is going on in our lives, and sometimes sends a perfect stranger to encourage our hearts. When we follow God’s commands and ask Him for our day and daily bread, He always has the answer waiting for us.


Jehovah Shammah is always wherever we are. Jeremiah 1:12 says that He is alert and active watching over His word to perform it! What a mighty God we serve! Praise you, Lord. Amen!

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11


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The Answer is Waiting