But the angel said to him, “Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your prayer has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall call his name John.” Luke 1:13, ESV
The angel was given specific instructions by God to go to Zechariah and tell him that his prayer had been heard. God had set up a specific appointment so that Zechariah would be by himself when the angel spoke to him. The angel brought great news to Zechariah, for his wife was barren and they had no children. Although they were now passed the age of childbearing, God was proclaiming that He was going to give them a miracle.
Just like the angel was sent from heaven with God’s message to Zechariah, God is doing the same thing in the earth today. He is sending His message through His servants to tell of the good news He has for each of us. I am reminded of a time when God had a Prophetess call to give me specific instructions on what God was calling me to do. The Prophetess gave me detailed instructions, just like the angel did with Zechariah. The word that I received from her was confirming what God had put in my spirit long ago, something I thought was not going to happen.
I later shared the message with one of my dear friends and she told me that God had told her the same thing. She said she asked God when she was to tell me, and He told her that she would know when it was time. My friend wrote the message on a sticky note and put it in one of her journals. Would you believe she was able to find the note with the date God told her what He was doing in me? God had sent the word through the Prophetess, but He also had confirmation waiting for me so that I would know for sure this is what He had called me to do.
Affirmations; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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